Jamaican Weather

Jamaica is synonymous with summer, regardless of what the calendar might say. Winter and summer are separated by about 10 degrees; the prime difference in terms of seasons is rainfall.


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Currently in
Montego Bay, Jamaica
Currently in
Kingston Jamaica

The average temperature is 82 all year long, but it is often warmer in the afternoon, and it invariably feels much hotter because of high humidity levels. Fortunately, the island is blessed with northeasterly trade winds that keep you from sweltering.

You’ll find that the hottest months are July and August; look for mid 80s to 90 degrees during this time. The coolest month is February; daytime highs usually remain in the mid-80s but nighttime temperatures can dip into the mid-60s. (Note: these temperatures are for the seaside resort areas; temperatures in the Blue Mountains and Mandeville are somewhat cooler.)

Water temperatures dip only slightly during winter, when they average 80 degrees. During the summer, the waters warm to about 84 degrees.


Rainfall varies with the season. Overall, the island gets an average of 78 inches a year (one look around at the lush vegetation and you’ll see it's put to good use!) The lion's share of the rain falls in the misty Blue Mountains, home of some of the world’s best coffee. Usually along the coast, rain showers are brief and heavy, coming in mid-afternoon and clearing up before you can run inside.

Hurricane Season

Hurricane season starts June 1 and ends November 30. The peak of the season is mid-September.