Renting a Car in Jamaica

Should you rent a car during your Jamaica vacation? Let’s just have a look at one of the more common traffic campaign signs across the island: “Undertakers Love Overtakers.” Jamaicans pass each other a dizzying pace; passing cars pass other passing cars and the traffic fatality rate is extremely high--in fact, it is the world's third highest.

On top of that, you’ll be driving on the left side of the road.

Gas prices are expensive in Jamaica (look for about double the price you’d see in the US and expect to pay in cash at many stations.)

If you do decide to rent a car, a few words of advice:

  • Expect cars to pass other cars in ways you've never seen before. Passing cars will overtake other passing cars.
  • Expect the unexpected.
  • Limit your night driving. Expect cars without lights.
  • Expect a larger number of pedestrians than you’d see at home.
  • In rural areas, keep an eye out for stray goats and cattle.

Renting a Car

Drivers must be at least 23 years old (but not older than 70) and possess a valid driver’s license. Bond, with either a credit card or cash, must be posted. The speed limit is 30 mph in town and 50 mph on the highways.

The most expensive time to rent a car is during the peak period for Jamaican ex-pats to return home: Christmas, Easter, and August.

Some local car rental agencies include:

Avis Rent a Car


Island Car Rentals